Fighting Giants: David's Other Goliaths

David, the young shepherd boy, in slaying Goliath, the giant of Gath, has long provided God’s people with many lessons of life. One of which is how to face adversity larger than themselves and with God’s help overcoming is assured. This provided a message of confidence in standing for the right and completely destroying the difficulties of life. We see in this that God is not limited by the size and strength of our problems that confront us.

What should also be recalled is that David had more than one giant to face. More than one Goliath causing problems that had to be dealt with. David as king and at an advanced age was assisted in battling the second giant, Ishbi-Benob (2 Sam. 21:16). After these, there were the giants Saph, then the brother of Goliath the Gittite (the staff of whose spear was like a weaver’s beam) and the unnamed giant who had extra fingers and toes. These four were born to the giant in Gath, and fell by the hand of David, and his men. (2 Sam 21:22) NIV

As all five of these giants were related, and it has been pointed out that David originally picked up five stones by the stream in Elah. David’s victory over Goliath was a great victory for the people of God, but it was only one victory in the continuing battle of David’s life.

Difficulties in the form of evil or sin or temptations come at us unendingly. The devil doesn’t stop with a single defeat. There are constant challenges to God’s people to defeat them with seemingly overwhelming odds. The Israelites in the valley of Elah didn’t want to fight the giant, fearfully staying on the sidelines. Their Goliath was not trusting in the Power of God.

We are still faced with “Goliaths” of unbelief, worldliness and apathy as they taunt the people of God. Lack of confidence that God is by our side results in defeat. We must have courage and faith in God to face our “dreadful giants” and we too will be victorious.

Tags: #sin , #David

Published: August 21, 2015